Database of Publications
Neo-racism, school integration and educational practices – the case of the children of the gypsy community.
D. Vergidis.
Article in website, 21.03.1998
School dropout and exclusion of the gypsy community children from schools of Lower Achaea. Their exclusion from the main local society stream, the administrative practices and their isolation within the school class are presented as the main causes of educational racism towards the gypsy community children.
An interesting paper, which, by means of a case study, allows us to understand the qualitative causes of school exclusion of children belonging to a fringe ethnic group, while, at the same time, tackling the problem.
Kallignomos Konstantinos
ASPETE, Greece
Zone d'identification
4 mars 2013
Lancement du Module 5 “Soutien externe et coopération”
Au cours du mois de mars 2013, les partenaires forment les enseignants impliqués dans le projet au Module 5 "Soutien externe et coopération". Le module examine les ressources et soutiens externes pour les enseignants et élèves pour les aider à prévenir le décrochage scolaire.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - Ce projet a bénéficié du soutien financié de la Commission européenne