Database of Publications
School remediation - a policy of plaster?
Sandrine Grosjean, study coordinator
CGé (Change for Equality) Socio-pedagogical movement aimed at improving the quality of education in Wallonia-Brussels Federation, in a perspective of equality and democracy.
Brussels December 2011
Remediation policy, put forward today, wants to fight the dualization of the education which the market of school coaching represents.
But what school remediation is really made of? Does it really help to fight the educational inequality? It is to this double question that the authors of the study sought to answer.
In the first part, they try to update what remediation says about the School and its disorders.
In the second part, to go beyond the level of findings, they suggest ways to act in classroom and on the system:
• Developing a "true polyvalent common core"
• Accompanying school entry
• Accompanying the entry in knowledge
• Rethinking the work of teachers of first degree
• Separating the first degree from secondary schools
From their point of view, the answer is within the school, who must find a way to better make learn.
This study follows the program of meetings and consultation on remediation practices, realized in 2011, on initiative of the FRB (King Baudouin Foundation), with the collaboration of 48 secondary schools of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
(See WP3.B : training initiative)
The CGé had actively participated in this process. It wanted to go beyond the inventory prepared by the FRB and answer the question: “does the remediation allow success and emancipation for everyone? And under what conditions?”
The authors used the material of the FRB program: they have carried out an important work of analysis of applications from schools and exchange experiences.
They completed their analysis by new meetings of individual nature with a series of teachers providing remediation.
Christine CLOES
Project coordinator
Zone d'identification
4 mars 2013
Lancement du Module 5 “Soutien externe et coopération”
Au cours du mois de mars 2013, les partenaires forment les enseignants impliqués dans le projet au Module 5 "Soutien externe et coopération". Le module examine les ressources et soutiens externes pour les enseignants et élèves pour les aider à prévenir le décrochage scolaire.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - Ce projet a bénéficié du soutien financié de la Commission européenne