Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Preventing early school leavingSchool Inclusion - Preventing early school leaving

School Inclusion

project information

Work in progress

Partners' Institution:
Pixel Associazione
Project's period (from/to):
January 2008 – January 2009
WPs concerned:
WP 2 - Creation of Database

Objectives of activities carried out:
- Creation of common format for the collection of information on publications

- Cration of the Database structure in the project Portal

- Upload of the reviews submitted till the 2nd partners' meeting.

-To Check the online forms in order to ensure a high standard of results.

Time period:
January - January 2009

Description of activities carried out:
-Planning and organization of the partnership work
-Creation of a common format for the presentation of the list of selected documents. Production of the Form “Reviewing of Documents”.
-The mentioned format was presented to the partners during the first partners meeting. The form were discussed and corrected following the partners’ suggestions. The final version of the formats was then distributed to the partners by publication in the project website under the “Download” section. The format produced allows the creation of reviews of documents on early school leaving. According to the format the review starts by providing general information such as the language of the product, description of the contents, name and place of publication.
-Pixel created, together with Connectis, the structure and the main functions of the School inclusion portal database. The list is searchable both according a national and language criteria.
-Pixed collected and uploaded the reviews of documents submitted by the partners before the 2nd meeting in the Nottingham (UK). At the same time Pixel supported the partners in the process of uploading the filled in forms on the School Inclusion Portal.
-Check of the forms filled in by the project partners.

- Format for the Reviewing of Documents
- Reviewed Database of documents about early school leaving issues.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
We are satisfied about the results achieved.
The partners regularly collected the asked documentation by using our form and uploaded it on the database.

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