Name of the person involved in the event:
Giuseppe Italiano
Date of the event:
April 29th 2009
Type of Dissemination event:
Article on Notiziario CIPAT (CIPAT Newsletter) – April 2009
Description of Dissemination Event:
The April issue of CIPAT newsletter, at point 2 “Progetto europeo School Inclusion. I primi moduli didattici in versione definitiva tradotti in italiano” (Final version of the School Inclusion Modules translated into Italian) presents the Italian translation of the five modules of the training package with instructions to download them from CIPAT website (www.cipat.it ).
Target group:
Tuscan head teachers, professionals and public officers involved in education and vocational training, who receive CIPAT on line newsletter every month
Number of people reached by event:
Around 150 institutions, 600 potential readers at the least
Held in:
Outcomes and Results:
Dissemination of information on the project and of the contents of the Training Package
Supporting Documents
Paper copy of the Newsletter
Supporting Documents: