Database delle pubblicazioni
Measure Study of Early School Leavers - Youthreach and Travellers
Measure 11B of the EHRDOP Implemented by the Department of Education and Science
WRC Social and Economic Consultants
Ireland 2007
This report presents the findings of the measure study of Measure 11B: Early School Leavers - Youthreach and Travellers. The aim of this measure is “To provide second-chance education for early school leavers and Travellers with minimal or no educational qualifications”. It is implemented by the Department of Education and Science (DES) in conjunction with local Vocational Education Committees (VECs). Measure 11B is one of a number of measures in the EHRDOP that explicitly target particular groups for inclusion within its provisions, in this case members of the Traveller community, who have minimal or no educational qualifications.
The document is a study of Measure 11B that explores:
• The composition of participants in Youthreach and STTCs in terms of the equality grounds of membership of the Traveller Community, disability, and membership of minority ethnic groups
• The strengths and weaknesses of Measure 11B in terms of combating educational disadvantage, promoting equality of educational outcomes, and access to lifelong learning.
• The contemporary relevance of recasting the main aim of the measure in the area of supporting progression within the further education and training and higher education systems
It concludes with a series of observations regarding the monitoring of and reporting on Measure 11B and identifies the need for a tracking system to address the current data gaps.
Ann Caulfield
Mayo Education Centre
Login Area
15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission