Training Initiatives
Prevention of School Abandonment program
Junior Achievement Romania
The Prevention of School Abandonment program was conceived to help students develop a positive attitude towards the need of education and towards their own futures. The program is focused on explaining the benefits and the financial advantages of the education that students get in school. During this training, students will participate in different activities, in order to understand what is the “price they will pay” if they decide to drop out of school and what are the benefits of pursuing a higher level of education. .
Through this program, young people will learn that every choice they make is, in fact, an exchange where they have to give up something in order to receive something in return and that, whatever their choice is, it will always have a consequence. Junior Achievement Romania though its different programs, is looking to teach students how to make choices – when they thoroughly know the problem they are dealing with, as well as the gains and loses their choice would bring in the future – from different stand points: educationally, professionally, regarding their salary, etc
The Prevention of School Abandonment program prepares teachers for working within a classroom with students, through a program which includes diverse themes, such as ::
• Personal abilities
• Success in life
• Planning the family budget
• Professional carrier / job market place
• Making the best decision
• Advantages and responsibilities of the employee
• Personal income and cost appraisal
• Opportunity cost
• Tax role
• Importance of work
By approaching these themes, students will learn to answer questions such as the following on their own : Which are the elements that define success? What are my qualities and skills? What kind of carrier opportunities should I consider ? Which are the experiences that will better prepare me for the carrier that I want ?
The basic program has a number of 6 activities, each with different objectives, concepts and specific abilities. These activities prepare teachers to be able to encourage the active participation of all their students, stimulating debates on different topics, encouraging their participation in as many projects as possible and , all the while teaching them about team work.
Predicted results of the program
- reducing the number of students who drop early from school;
• - training teachers to deal with this problem and to strengthen the student-teacher relationship.
• - exploring the relationship between the level of education and the chances of accomplishing personal goals.
• - learning about implied responsibility and assuring, through personal efforts, a decent lifestyle ;
- examining carries opportunities by comparing them to the level of education, the abilities and skills of the students, as well as to the future goals and the lifestyle that they want.
Fundatia EuroEd
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15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission