Database of Publications
Methods for the Prevention of Early School Leaving
Nik Paddison, Paul Daley & Jagdischandra Maganlal Chouchan
Work published during the project “School – a necessity not just a right” (ro. Școala o necesitate, nu doar un drept) co-funded by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources 2007-2013.
Bucharest, 2011
Research, Guide for teachers
The research was published during the project “School – a necessity, not just a right”, reference number POSDRU/91/2.2/61639, funded by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources 2007-2013 carried out between 01.10.2012 and 30.09.2012 by the association “Tineri pentru viitor” (Eng. Youth for the Future)
The project aims at supporting long term social integration of the youth at risk (preschoolers and students) of early school leaving and preventing them from leaving school by using an appropriate framework for the implementation of innovative educational specific solutions doubled by guidance and counseling.
The contents and aspects approached:
1. conceptual aspects: approach; indicators; causes (economical, sociocultural and religious, psychological, pedagogical); effects; activities meant to prevent early school leaving (e.g. educational activities, extracurricular activities, social activities, specialists’ training).
2. Children with special educational needs: the background and situation of children with special educational needs at the national level; the concept of children with special needs; integrated education; principles; normalization.
3. Inclusive Education: arguments; stages; effects on students; parents; teachers; types of activities.
4. Non-formal educational methods used for the prevention of early school leaving: energizers; interactive activities; icebreakers; visual methods; discussions; case studies; role plays; simulation; brainstorming; theater – forum.
The present piece of work has been selected for the following reasons:
- The purposes of the project: enhancing the ability of the educational system to prevent the phenomenon of early school leaving (preschoolers and students) by using a framework which will enable the integrate approach of the development and implementation of innovative educational solutions and enhance the level of training of the staff involved in the development of the early school leaving prevention for the purpose of creating a national group of specialists able to carry out extracurriculatr activities specific to the needs of these youth.
- The methods and the tools which can be used by teachers in the classroom for increasing student motivation and promoting the mainstream state education as a feasible alternative for building strong future for the children. The methods involve partnerships development between the school and students-parents through practical activities meant to considerably increase the students’ interest in school.
- The large number of stakeholders, beneficiaries of the developed tools: students at risk (2400), parents/tutors of the students at risk (2400), staff involved in the development of early school leaving prevention programmes (800) from 7 counties in Romania.
Andreea Cleminte
Fundatia EuroEd
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15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission