Database of Publications
From this section it is possible to access to a review of publications, available at national level in the five European countries involved, on the topics related to early school leaving issues. The publications include: literature, reports, data, studies etc. Each selected publication has been reviewed and presented according to a common format. The reviews of the selected publications are organized in the searchable database below. Please notice that the publications are available only in the original languages, while the reviews were made in English and in the national languages.
List of Publications available
"El descubrimiento de Harry" "Lisa" "Suki y Marc"
Author: Matthew Lipman
"The discovery of Harry" "Lisa" "Suki and Marc"
Author: Matthew Lipman
¿Calidad de la enseñanza? No me haga reír, por favor
Author: Francisco Imbernón
¿De qué dependen los resultados Escolares?
Author: Juan Carlos Tedesco
¿Education quality? Don't make me laugh, please
Author: Francisco Imbernón
¿Un sistema educativo ineficaz, pero socialmente adecuado?
Author: Joan Estruch
Author: José Antonio Marina Torres
An Ineffective but socially appropriate education system?
Author: Joan Estruch
Ante el riesgo de exclusión en la ESO
Author: Juan M. Escudero Muñoz
Author: Angel I. Pérez Gómez (Coord.)
At the risk of exclusion in the ESO
Author: Juan M. Escudero Muñoz
Bridges between school failure and a new context labor
Author: Begoña Martínez Domínguez Profesora de la Universidad del País Vasco Con la colaboración de V.P. Sostoa, A. Mendizábal y los CIPs de Gipuzkoa.
Cuaderno de trabajo. Tiempo de mediación (3ª parte)
Author: Carme Boqué
Educar en tiempos de incertidumbre
Author: Salvador Cardús
Educating level, goes down or up?
Author: Rafael Feito
Educational Leadership: School Success projects
Author: Bardisa Ruiz, Teresa ; Campo Postigo, Alejandro ; Esteban Serrano, José Luis ; Gálvez Sánchez, Montserrat ; Garaialde Katarain, Juan Carlos ; Gorosmendi Lazkano, Maribi ; Hué García, Carlos ; Muñoz Martínez, Yolanda ; Rul Gargallo, Je
El liderazgo educativo: proyectos de éxito escolar
Author: Bardisa Ruiz, Teresa ; Campo Postigo, Alejandro ; Esteban Serrano, José Luis ; Gálvez Sánchez, Montserrat ; Garaialde Katarain, Juan Carlos ; Gorosmendi Lazkano, Maribi ; Hué García, Carlos ; Muñoz Martínez, Yolanda ; Rul Gargallo, Je
El nivel educativo ¿sube o baja?
Author: Rafael Feito
Failure and school dropout: from frustration to boredom
Author: Heike Freire
Fracaso y abandono escolar: de la frustración al aburrimiento
Author: Heike Freire
Going into ESO, ¿continuity or rupture?
Author: Héctor a. Monarca José rincón gallego
Guidelines for developing students in mediator schools and coaches
Author: Segovia Cfie learning platform
Inclusion: an educational model to combat failure and dropout
Author: Fernando Andrés Rubia
Informe sobre el risc de fracàs escolar a Catalunya
Author: Cristina Boada, Diego Herrera, Eva Mas, Eva Miñarro, Marta Olivella, Xavier Riudor
La Escuela ante el absentismo y el abandono escolar: ¿hacia una cultura de la colaboración?
Author: MAribel Garcia Garcia
La inclusión: un modelo educativo para combatir el fracaso y abandono escolar
Author: Fernando Andrés Rubia
Las caras ocultas del fracaso escolar
Author: Juan M.Escudero Muñoz
Author: Kristjana S.Blondal and Sigrun Adalbjarnardottir
Learning to teach in practice: Innovation Processes And Practices Of Secondary Education Training
Author: Angel I. Pérez Gómez (Coord.)
Lo que puede el sentimiento no lo ha podido el saber
Author: Pilar Ugidos Franco
Author: Daniel Pennac
Manual abreviado. Mediación en acción 1ª parte
Author: Carme Boqué
Materiales Fotocopiables Para La
Author: Carme Boqué
Matthew Lipman y Paulo Freire. Conceptos para la libertad
Author: Stella Accorinti Presidenta del Centro de Investigaciones en Filosofía para Niños - Argentina [email protected]
Author: Francisco Chica Pérez Mª Ángeles Díaz Linares Miguel Fernéndez Fernández Juan García Colmenero Trinidad Martínez García
Author: Francisco Chica Pérez Mª Ángeles Díaz Linares Miguel Fernéndez Fernández Juan García Colmenero Trinidad Martínez García
Old and new dynamic of educational exclusion
Author: Juan M. Escudero Muñoz
Parenting practices and School drop out: a longitudinal study. From "ADOLESCENCE", Vol 44, Nº176
Author: Kristjana S.Blondal and Sigrun Adalbjarnardottir
Pautas para formar alumnos mediadores y ayudantes en los centros
Author: Plataforma educativa Cfie Segovia
Photocopiable Materials For Mediation (Part 2)
Author: Carme Boqué
Puentes entre el fracaso escolar y un nuevo escenario sociolaboral
Author: Begoña Martínez Domínguez Profesora de la Universidad del País Vasco Con la colaboración de V.P. Sostoa, A. Mendizábal y los CIPs de Gipuzkoa.
Author: José Antonio Marina Torres
Reconsider scholl failure in Europe
Author: Francesc Pedró
Reconsiderar el fracaso escolar en Europa
Author: Francesc Pedró
Report on the risk of school failure in Cataluña
Author: Cristina Boada, Diego Herrera, Eva Mas, Eva Miñarro, Marta Olivella, Xavier Riudor
Author: Sigríður Hulda Jónsdóttir and Erna Héðinsdóttir. Based on the report of: Norway: Sissel Berglien Romania: Maria Achitenei Lithuania: Vida Drąsutė Spain: Laura Uixera Iceland: Kristjana Stella Blöndal
School in front of absenteeism and dropout: towards a culture of collaboration?
Author: MAribel Garcia Garcia
Short manual. Mediation in action part 1
Author: Carme Boqué
Author: Sigríður Hulda Jónsdóttir and Erna Héðinsdóttir. Based on the report of: Norway: Sissel Berglien Romania: Maria Achitenei Lithuania: Vida Drąsutė Spain: Laura Uixera Iceland: Kristjana Stella Blöndal
The hidden faces of school failure
Author: Juan M.Escudero Muñoz
Tránsito a la ESO, ¿continuidad o ruptura?
Author: Héctor a. Monarca José rincón gallego
Tutoria vertical en el colegio más antiguo de europa
Author: Vicente Revert
Author: Vicente Revert
Viejas y nuevas dinámicas de exclusión educativa
Author: Juan M. Escudero Muñoz
What feelings can, knowlegment can't
Author: Pilar Ugidos Franco
What school results depend on?
Author: Juan Carlos Tedesco
Workbook. Time of mediation (part 3)
Author: Carme Boqué
Author: Daniel Pennac
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15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission