Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Lifelong Learning Project - School Inclusion - Preventing Early School Leaving


From this section of the School Inclusion Portal, it is possible to access the Training Package for secondary school teachers, to help them to identify students at risk of early school leaving and to provide them with some useful skills to help prevent or reduce the problem.

The Training Package consists of:

  1. Five on-line course modules focusing firstly on how to identify students at risk and then on strategies which can be used to address the problem: communication techniques, teaching methodologies promoting an active participation, evaluation of educational processes and finally on external resources and support for teachers and students.
  2. Teachers Forum to comment and receive further information on each of the modules. Teachers are invited to use the Forum to interact with each other and to contact the authors of the course. On the Forum, the authors of each of the course modules answer questions and provide clarification or further information about the contents of the module they have developed.
  3. Reports on the current educational systems, current ‘drop out’ situations and the current ‘drop out’ national trends, in five European countries, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and the United Kingdom. Each report identifies the recognised causes, current preventative strategies in operation or planned, and best practices identified, in respect of early school leaving issues.
  4. Reviews of Publications a database of relevant material available in 4 different European countries on the topic of early school leaving. The reviews of books, studies, educational papers, statistics, official documents, web sites etc., were produced by the partners and experts involved in the School Inclusion project.
  5. Presentation of Case Studies focusing on real life examples of young students who dropped out of school before completing their compulsory education. Each example is presented with an introductory description followed by an analysis of the causes that led to early school leaving by the student, the strategy adopted to deal the problem and the successful solution (if any) identified.
  6. Interviews were undertaken, in five different European countries, with politicians in charge of educational policies, school directors, teachers, students and parents on the subject of early school leaving.
  7. Description of Experiences of teachers in dealing with the problem of early school leaving. This interactive space provides teachers with the opportunity to share experiences and learn from the approaches and techniques used by other teachers facing the same problem of students at risk of dropping out.

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15 November 2012

Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference

The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.

School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

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