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Teaching the Prince of Denmark
Melazzini Carla
PAlermo 2011
Teaching the Prince of Denmark is the result of a composition based on the writings of Carla Melazzini, teacher of the road disappeared two years ago. The prince in question is a boy, Mimmo, 15 years old, sure of having to kill the man who has robbed him and his four brothers the mother. The book describes the experiences of eleven years of work by a group of teachers in the project and Chance speaks of the events of Neapolitan children who have abandoned school.
Talk to teachers who have worked with adolescents "to establish a dialogue with them educational and life" to repair the damage done by the failure of early school leaving in the southern metropolis, in the slums of Naples was once an industrial and working class, now reduced to a disastrous de-industrialization in the theater of war of gangs. The Chance project deals with students who have lost the need to learn, burned by frustration and poverty, threatened by the proximity to the violence and brutality at home and on the road, frustrated by a school that "talk over" from "a 'instruction sets, which does not pit the surface, "an institution that can not do anything but bocciarli once, and then another. It finds a way to try them out, a method that a group of teachers came up step by step and describe the steps which tormented and difficult
The book presents stories that say a lot about training to those who do not place in the teaching contexts such extreme. The books moves and catch as many years ago the "letter to a teacher" by Don Milani, such as not talking about teaching methodologies codified and standardized, but raises an urgent question: how many teachers are willing to seek a deep relationship with the suburbs of the city and the suburbs of the soul of teenagers "to establish a dialogue with them educational and life"? Not many, it seems, looking at the numbers of early school failure. This book is about education, not school, not of discipline or tools, but of people and a bet that you can only play educational radically deconstructing learning school-type.
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Marussia Pastacaldi
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15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission