Database of Publications
Evaluate the evaluation of teachers
Norberto Bottani
Phi Delta Kappan
USA, March 2012
article on website
The article of Bottani, publishing large pieces, comment another collective article(written by the most famous American specialists in the field) appeared in the March 2012 of the U.S. magazine "Phi Delta Kappan", the assumption is that the models of the value added (VAM) for evaluating teachers are inadequate. Experts maintain that the model that uses the students score on tests carried out at the beginning and end of the year to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers provides an assessment gullible and not very reliable. The article looks at the many parameters that determine the progress in that investigation VAM neglect. It also shows the extreme variability of results among teachers and classes, variability related to the composition of the materials, concluding that teachers of classes with disabled pupils or foreigners or by a large presence of excellence are unlikely to produce added value. The article suggests alternative approaches to assessment, based on professional knowledge related to efficacy standards developed and practiced in some U.S. states, standards that lingers, very useful to detect even professional skills for the prevention of early school leaving.
The article, relating to the prevention of early school leaving, is interesting especially in the precise identification of the conditions of variability in which the Group exercises the process of teaching / learning and the identification of standards of effectiveness. The latter, in particular, are appropriately reported in the section "Alternative approaches to assess the effectiveness of teachers", which lists the characteristics of effective teaching, which are based on evidence gathered from scientific research on teaching
Mauro di Grazia
project coordinator
Login Area
15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission