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One boy out of five doesn’t have a diploma, 100 million euros to the regions that are more in trouble. Escape from school
Santarpia Valentina
Corriere della Sera
Rome, 3rd September 2012
Newspaper article
The problem of students “escaping from school”, as the title of the present article itself declares, affects the 2% of the student population in Italy. The statistical data, collected by the Italian Institute for Statistics (ISTAT), show with clear evidence that Italy is facing a dramatic situation that places the country in the 4th position as one of the European states with the highest rate of early school leaving (coming only after Malta, Portugal and Spain). The journalist who wrote the article takes a realistic picture of the drama of Italian school system, which has to bear an old, rooted and too widespread problem. In the meantime, this leads to an enormous waste of resources, right when the current crisis has brought to the cutbacks for most of the public sectors. The data contained in the article show how the phenomenon of the “scholastic drop out” affects all the Italian regions, with the highest rates recorded in the South part of Italy and in the suburbs of the biggest cities. The reasons explaining this issue are to be found in the cracks of the Italian society structure and in the decadence of the educational system. The journalist quotes Maria Grazia Nardiello’s (Department Chief of the Ministry of Education) words, according to whom the real problem of the Italian school is the extreme importance given to the humanistic studies provided by the classic upper secondary schools and the consequent downgrading of technical and professional schools. In this moment of crisis it is necessary, in Nardiello’s opinion, to revalue a more technical teaching model that orients itself towards the economic and labour tradition of Italy. Finally the article deals with the funds that the Italian government will design for the most affected regions, so that all the principles actors involved (principals and teachers above all) can build up projects to stimulate pupils to remain at school until the end of the study cycle.
The present article draws a very precise image of the Italian students’ condition, due to the disadvantaged familiar and social backgrounds: this leads the children to early leave the school (although sometimes they are compelled to do it). The journalist addresses the theme in a very accurate way, collecting data and statistic percentages that only lead to one conclusion: the “early school leaving” problem in Italy has a deep origin and it menaces to lower consistently the national growth level. In this context the crisis plays an important part, depriving the scholastic institution of the tools that are necessary to face the “escape” from school. The journalist underlines the emergency situation in which the country finds itself; Italy mostly needs a prompt intervention by the national officers, which cannot be delayed anymore. As others comments to the article noticed, the explanation proposed by the doctress Maria Grazia Nardiello appears not to deal with the negative impact that the current economic crisis in Italy has on students’ lives and choices, regarding continuing their studies or not.
Sara Ciabattini
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Project Assistant
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15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission