Database of Publications
Promoting school tired teenagers. New ways in the cooperation between youth welfare and schools
Hofmann-Lun, I. & Kraheck, N.
Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
München, 2004
Online document, report
• In the first chapter, goals, questions and methods of the “school tiredness projects” are presented.
• Chapter 2 gives an overview of the current research status.
• The main part of this publication is the description of three types of projects:
1. Projects working with teenagers outside from school.
2. Prevention projects working with school tired and refusing pupils to prevent a school drop out.
3. Projects in which school and extracurricular activities are combined. These projects emphasise the cooperation between school and other institutions, youth welfare and specialised (social) educators.
This report gives an overview of the results from the „school tired projects” in North-Rhine-Westphalia“. Concrete projects are not presented.
Dr. Gabriele Dlugosch
Zentrum für empirische pädagogische Forschung (zepf)
Head of the Competence Centre Health and Wellbeing
Zone d'identification
4 mars 2013
Lancement du Module 5 “Soutien externe et coopération”
Au cours du mois de mars 2013, les partenaires forment les enseignants impliqués dans le projet au Module 5 "Soutien externe et coopération". Le module examine les ressources et soutiens externes pour les enseignants et élèves pour les aider à prévenir le décrochage scolaire.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - Ce projet a bénéficié du soutien financié de la Commission européenne