Database of Publications
Neo-racism, school integration and educational practices – the case of the children of the gypsy community.
D. Vergidis.
Article in website, 21.03.1998
School dropout and exclusion of the gypsy community children from schools of Lower Achaea. Their exclusion from the main local society stream, the administrative practices and their isolation within the school class are presented as the main causes of educational racism towards the gypsy community children.
An interesting paper, which, by means of a case study, allows us to understand the qualitative causes of school exclusion of children belonging to a fringe ethnic group, while, at the same time, tackling the problem.
Kallignomos Konstantinos
ASPETE, Greece
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15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission