Database of Publications
School system and social inequality
Ballarino, G., Checchi, D
Il Mulino
Bologna, 2006
tudy the relationship between school and social inequality means answering questions such as: how and how much the family and social environment of origin influences the educational careers of individuals? How education acquired affect careers of individuals? What are the effects of the expansion of contemporary educational systems of these influences? Economists and sociologists of education have long since initiated a fruitful dialogue, based on the use of quantitative data and rigorous analysis methods that can make an important contribution to our knowledge of these mechanisms, central to economic growth and social cohesion .
The book reviews the methods and findings of this line of studies, addressing empirically the relationship between education systems and social inequality from specific points of view, with reference both to the Italian case is the view of the international situation in a comparative perspective. I'm so retraced the steps of the training of skills, from the choice of secondary school to college transition, until the formation in the workplace.
Marco Manzuoli
IPS DAtini
Zone d'identification
4 mars 2013
Lancement du Module 5 “Soutien externe et coopération”
Au cours du mois de mars 2013, les partenaires forment les enseignants impliqués dans le projet au Module 5 "Soutien externe et coopération". Le module examine les ressources et soutiens externes pour les enseignants et élèves pour les aider à prévenir le décrochage scolaire.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - Ce projet a bénéficié du soutien financié de la Commission européenne