Database delle pubblicazioni
Da questa sezione è possibile accedere alle recensioni delle pubblicazioni, disponibili in Belgio, Italia, Irlanda, Germania, Grecia, Regno Unito, Romania e Spagna inerenti il tema dell’abbandono scolastico. Le pubblicazioni includono: articoli, rapporti, dati, studi, etc. Ogni pubblicazione selezionata è stata recensita e presentata sulla base di un form comune. Le recensioni delle pubblicazioni selezionate possono essere filtrate grazie al database consultabile di seguito. Le pubblicazioni sono disponibili solo nelle lingue originali, mentre le recensioni sono state fatte sia in inglese che in lingua nazionale. Al fine di accedere alle recensioni in lingua italiana delle pubblicazioni italiane è sufficiente impostare il filtro della lingua su italiano.
Lista delle pubblicazioni disponibili
"Ricomincio da me" The identity of the second chance schools in Italy
Autore: IPRASE Trentino, in cooperation followed by Elena Brighenti. Introduction di Marco Rossi Doria
Autore: Pina Varriale
Autore: Roberto Fini
\'Reducing Early School Leaving In The Eu- Study\'
Autore: Directorate General for Internal Policies Policy department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies Education and Culture
Autore: Shirley Gorby, Selina McCoy and Dorothy Watson
A Community Response – Moving Forward Step by Step
Autore: Elaine Slattery
Autore: Dr. Paul Downes, Dr. Catherine Maunsell & Jo-Hanna Ivers
A review of School Based Measures aimed at Addressing Educational Disadvantage
Autore: Susan Weir and Peter Archer
A Study of Sexual Health Issues, Attitudes and Behaviours: The Views of Early School Leavers
Autore: Paula Mayock and Tina Byrne
Aiming High: Raising the Achievement of Gypsy Traveller Pupils - July 2003
Autore: Department for Education and Skills
Attendance in Secondary Schools September 2007
Autore: Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education)
Barriers to the Realisation of Children’s Rights in Ireland
Autore: Ursula Kilkelly
Autore: Edited by Paul Downes and Louise Gilligan
Blackpool 'Missing Children' Research Project
Autore: Karen Broadhurst and Professor Corinne May-Chahal
Autore: Saverio Abbruzzese
Career Counselor’s Role in School Dropout Prevention
Autore: Prof. Victoria Dorobanţiu
Child Poverty in Ireland – An Overview
Autore: Jo Harding of the End Child Poverty Coalition and Maria Corbett of the Children's Rights Alliance.
Children Missing Education: Experiences of Implementing the DfES Guidelines - September 2006
Autore: Steve Griggs, Ros Payne and Sunita Bhabra - Creative Research
Choosing to Learn - Improving participation after compulsory education - December 2005
Autore: Simone Delorenzi and Peter Robinson
Autore: UK Government - Every Child Matters
Autore: Maddalena Colombo
DEIS An Action Plan for Social Inclusion
Autore: Department of Education and Science
Designing special vocational training courses for school dropouts: the case of Greece
Autore: Stamatis Paleocrassas, Panayiotis Rousseas, Vassilia Vretakou
Developing A European Gateway For Youth Social Inclusion Programmes
Autore: Dermot Stokes
Developing a Strategy for Crisis Intervention
Autore: Julie Brown
Do Dropouts Drop Out Too Soon? International Evidence From Changes in School-Leaving Laws
Autore: Oreopoulos Philip
Draft External Support & Co-operation Module
Autore: Art Ó Súilleabháin
Drop Outs or Early School Leavers: More Than a Difference in Verbiage?
Autore: Alana James.
Dropouts - How three districts are solving education's biggest problem
Autore: Pamela Derringer
Dropouts from School: Issues, Dilemmas, and Solutions
Autore: Lois Weis, Eleanor Farrar and Others
Dropping Out: A Study of Early Leavers from Higher Education - 2003
Autore: Rhys Davies and Peter Elias
Dublin 17 Early School Leaver Initiative – Progress Report 1999-2001
Autore: Northside Partnership
Early School Leavers - Forum Report 24
Autore: The National Economic and Social Forum
Autore: Queensland Government
Early School Leavers: Understanding the Lived Reality of Student Disengagement from Secondary School
Autore: Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, Special Education Branch
Autore: Valentina Ghione
EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING - Lessons from research for policy makers
Autore: Roger Dale
Autore: Roberta Fadda, Eros Mangiaracina
Early School Leaving Publications Reviews
Autore: Strategic Partners; Centre for Youth Affairs and Development
Early School Leaving: Possible Ways of Prevention
Autore: Coord. Bogdan Voicu
Early school leaving? Computers and social network can challenge this problem
Autore: Andrea Giambartolomei
Educating in times do uncertainty
Autore: Salvador Cardús
Autore: Boldt, S. and Devine, B
Educational Disadvantage in Ireland
Autore: Kieran McKeown & Madeline Clarke
Autore: Bottani, N., Benadusi, L
Evaluate the evaluation of teachers
Autore: Norberto Bottani
Evaluation of the Dimension of the School Dropout Phenomenon by Using the Cohort Analysis
Autore: Mihaela Jigău, Ciprian Fartușnic (Coord.) Otilia Apostu, Magda Balica, Bogdan Florian, Irina Horga, Lucian Voinea
Experiences and Attitudes of Early School - A Survey of Early School Leavers in Ballymun & Mayo
Autore: Kieran McKeown & Grace Fitzgerald
Extended Services: Partnership Working in Action
Autore: N/A
Giving up on school: student dropouts and teacher burnouts
Autore: Margaret Diane LeCompte, Anthony Gary Dworkin
Good practices against early school leaving
Autore: Marco Rossi Doria
Guidelines on identifying Young People at Risk of Early School Leavin
Autore: Department of Education and Science, The School Completion Programme
Guidelines on Identifying Young People at Risk of Early School Leaving
Autore: School Development Planning Initiatives
Handbook for School Dropout Prevention Training Programme for Facilitators
Autore: Daniel Grebeldinger – specialist in social inclusion and intercultural education Georgia Deaconu – specialist in non-formal education
Handbook for School Dropout Prevention Training Programme for Specialists
Autore: Daniel Grebeldinger – specialist in social inclusion and intercultural education Georgia Deaconu – specialist in non-formal education
Autore: Adele Corradi
Autore: Lina Grossi, M. Elvira Pistoresi, Silvana Serra.(a cura di) \'
Autore: Mary Gordon
Improving Attendance and Behaviour in Secondary Schools
Autore: Ofsted - (Office for Standards in Education)
Improving Participation at 17+. Published in 2005
Autore: Peter Davies and Tamantha Webster
Improving the Outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Pupils
Autore: Anne Wilkin, Chris Derrington and Brian Foster
Autore: Eveline Crone
Autore: Ted Fleming and Anne Gallagher
In-Contro Project - Together against early school leaving
Autore: Katia Scannavini
Intercultural Education. New looks, skills, paths.
Autore: Demetrio, D., Favaro, G
Autore: Chris Skidmore, Nick Cuff, Charlotte Leslie
Learner Retention and Achievement - Published in 2006
Autore: Peter Davies for the Learning and Skills Development Agency
Autore: Teacher Camelia GAVRILĂ, PhD - General School Inspector Teacher Aura Ţabără, sociologist - Inspector of Continuous Training Teacher Coca - Marlena Vasiliu - Inspector of Special Education Teacher Maricica Buzescu, psychologist – C
Listening to the Early Leavers
Autore: Diarmuid Leonard
Listening to the Early Leavers - June 1998
Autore: Diarmuid Leonard but based on an article by Leonard and Walsh (1998) and on a research study by Walsh (1996)
Matthew Lipman and Paulo Freire. Concepts for freedom
Autore: Stella Accorinti Presidenta del Centro de Investigaciones en Filosofía para Niños - Argentina [email protected]
Autore: WRC Social and Economic Consultants
Autore: Dr Thomas Armstrong
National Dropout Prevention Center/Network
Autore: N/A
No one have to lose. The square of the Trades: a Model for combat early school leaving
Autore: Ragazzi E.
Obligation Of Education And Apprenticeship: 126,000 Reasons To Be Against
Autore: Fabrizio Dacrema Anna Teselli
Autore: Santarpia Valentina
One City, Two Tiers: A Theological Reflection on Life in a Divided Society
Autore: Cherry Orchard Faith and Justice Group
Parent Support Adviser Project - Resource Kit 1
Autore: Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA)
Autore: N/A
Parents, Carers and Schools July 2007
Autore: Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education)
Participation by 17 year olds - July 2003
Autore: Learning and Skills Development Agency
Participation in Education, Training and Employment by 16-18 year Olds in England June 2008
Autore: N/A
Pathways Effective Support for Early School Leavers
Autore: Andy Battell
Pointers for policy and practice
Autore: Janet Taylor
Prevention on Early School Leaving
Autore: URBACT
Raising Expectations: staying in education and training post 16 - March 2007
Autore: Department for Education and Skills
Reframing School Dropout as a Public Health Issue
Autore: Nicholas Freudenberg, Jessica Ruglis
Research about early school leaving (Indagine sulla dispersione)
Autore: Benvenuto G., Rescalli G., Visalberghi A.,
Roma and Travellers in Public Education
Autore: Máirín Kenny
Autore: Maddalena Colombo
Scholastic Dropout: is there a link with deviant behaviors? Causes, observations and proposals
Autore: Emanuel Mian, Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
Autore: Coord. Anca Nedelcu & Lucian Ciolan
Autore: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF)
School Matters - Teenage Dropouts - NEETS - June 2008
School system and social inequality
Autore: Ballarino, G., Checchi, D
Second generation and educational attainment. The project "SeiPiù"
Autore: Laura Tieghi, Mirca Ognisanti
So what am I doing in the sea?
Autore: ASAI Group (Associazione di Animazione Interculturale)
Autore: Conf.univ.dr. Mihai Diaconu
SOL-IF Studies concerning compulsory school
Autore: Ted Fleming and Mark Murphy
Statistical Yearbook 2010 - Education
Autore: National Institute of Statistics, Bucharest
Stories of early school leaving - Pointers for policy and practice
Autore: Janet Taylor
Strategii pentru sprijinirea procesului de invatare
Autore: Prof. Dr. Camelia Gavrilă– inspector școlar general Prof. Aura Ţabără – sociolog, inspector formare continuă Prof. Coca - Marlena Vasiliu - inspector învățământ special Prof. Maricica Buzescu, psiholog �
Students in the balance. An innovative approach for the prevention of early school leaving
Autore: Gullì G.; Pocaterra G.; Pozzi S.
Tackling early school leaving: A key contribution to the Europe 2020 Agenda
Autore: European Commission
Targeted Youth Support - delivery toolkit
Autore: Department for Children, Schools and Families
Targeted Youth Support - Integrated support for vulnerable young people
Autore: Department for Children, Schools and Families
Teach those who do not want to learn
Autore: Giuseppe Bagni R. Conserva
Teaching the Prince of Denmark
Autore: Melazzini Carla
Teens and new branches The theoretical basis, risk factors, prevention
Autore: Alessandro Couyoumdjian, Roberto Baiocco, Carlamaria Del Miglio
Test TVD - Assessment of distress and school dropout
Autore: Giovanni Mancini, Giovanni Gabrielli
The bad student. Maladjustment, failure and dropout
Autore: Fabio Bonadiman
The Cost of Early School-leaving and School Failure
Autore: Clive Belfield
The discomfort school: Causes and intervention strategies
Autore: different authors (Multimedial resources of Rovigo University)
The Discomfort School: Definition, Causes and Strategies to Face it
Autore: Giuditta Fagnani
The Dynamics of Local Economies and Deprived Neighbourhoods
Autore: Professor David North and Professor Stephen Syrett, Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development and Research, Middlesex University
The educational intervention on discomfort in adolescence
Autore: Giovanni Mancini
The high school work The case of Oliver Twist School
Autore: Alberto Savorana
Autore: Sinéad Riordan
The minor facing a scholastic failure
Autore: Antonio Bianca
The Peer Education Guidelines and operating routes
Autore: Giovanna Boda
Autore: Tim Knight and Clarissa White National Centre for Social Research
The scholastic drop out: analysis of its elements and causes
Autore: Migliorini Laura, Piermari Antonella, Rania Nadia
The school is not for me. School failure and self-esteem
Autore: Desbouts Cristian
Autore: Anna Maria Ajello, Paola di Cori, Lucia Marchetti, Clotilde Pontecorvo Marco Rossi-Doria
The social impact of early school leaving
Autore: Marinella Sibilla
The social impact of early school leaving
Autore: Marinella Sibilla
Autore: Guido Benvenuto
Traveller Education Strategy Submission
Autore: Dermot Stokes, National Co-ordinator YOUTHREACH, Department of Education and Science
Autore: Maddalena Colombo
Worklessness in Deprived Neighbourhoods: A Review of Evidence
Autore: Policy Research Institute (PRI) at Leeds Metropolitan University on behalf of the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit (Department for Communities and Local Government)
Young Mothers: A study of Young Single Mothers in Two Communities
Autore: Valerie Richardson
Young People, Drug Use and Early School Leaving
Autore: Comiskey, C.M. and Miller, R.T.H
Youth Trainees: Early Leavers Study - June 1999
Autore: Department for Education and Employment
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15 November 2012
Stay@School at the Future of Education Conference
The Stay@School projet will be presented at the third edition of the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 13 - 14 June 2013. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the Stay@School project.
School Inclusion - Copyright 2008 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission